Sunday, February 22, 2015

Article Review # 3

Togonon, E. (2013, June 19)   Edmodo: A modern Teacher's Tool.  Retrieved from


Elsed Togonon begins his post on the use of Edmodo detailing a teacher carrying a stack of materials into a lecture hall or classroom.  He then describes the process of setting up for the class by posting materials on the board and then placing visual aids up for the students to see.  He talks about the “old strategy” of setting up a classroom in a day in which all teachers are supposed to use modern methods of teaching to make lessons convenient and relevant. 

Togonon then discusses the flaws with using modern technology; lack of computers, sharing media technology, and the lack of other tools necessary to carry out the expectations of the daily lesson.  When a teacher cannot use the modern technology, they are left to use the outdated methods, which carries with it stacks of papers to read through and grade.  The demands on a teacher become increasingly taxing as work must be graded and put in a grade book at the end of the grading period.

Togonon goes on to say that there is relief and an escape to these problems, and that is Edmodo.  He says that Edmodo is Facebook for education.  It provides a place for students and teachers to communicate electronically.  He talks about the current uses, which include posting assignments, posting a quiz, or any other assignments as well.  Edmodo provides a location for students to turn in work, which then takes away the need for the stacks of papers a teacher collects on their desk. 

He explain that Edmodo is a safe and secure site that students can use.  Each classroom page has a code that is given to the students.  Only the students in that class will be able to see the work that is submitted through the site.  The password can also be given to the parents to allow them the opportunity to see what is happening in the class as well.

The benefits of this site allows the students to get immediate feedback on the work turned in.  The teacher can post a grade immediately, so the students can see their scores.  Online discussions can also be had by the students and monitored by the teacher.  Students will have the opportunity to communicate with each other and reply to each others posts.  Visual aides can be placed on the site for the students to look at as well.

I see the story that Togonon describes as a reflection of my own teaching.  In many cases I have hurried into a room and put materials on the board, or search for images on the internet and place them on the overhead projector one by one.  I have started using Edmodo this year, and have found it to be very helpful in preparing for class.  I have been able to post assignments online, and have had them turned in that way as well.  The work that I use to start the class can be placed on Edmodo and given a time limit for the students to complete.  I have found that this site has made preparation for class, and the flow of the lesson so much better.

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